
Cost analysis by project

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08 April 2020

Real-time data

All companies should know their production costs in real time, with current data. With the use of the different Qano applications, data analysis is simple, easy and efficient.


A client asked us to find a solution to know their costs per project. As each of his projects is unique, we had to find a way to make this calculation automatically.

Qano PRO was already in use at his company and his employees were already using the activities and timer to track time spent on projects.

We then added an Expenses sheet. When an employee closes a task, they are redirected to a form asking them to count the products used in their production.

Cost per employee (Qano RH)

The salary of each employee is configured in Qano RH and the cost based on the time spent on the project is automatically calculated and accumulated on the project detail view according to the employee.

Cost per item (Qano POD)

The price of each item is entered into Qano POD, and is adjusted at the time of purchase. This allows you to always have a current cost. The employee only has to enter the quantities used for each item and the costs are calculated automatically.

Data analysis

The collected data is visible in several useful places. The data is visible on the project detail view, you can see the price sold, the actual cost and the profit.

Another view allows you to see all completed projects in “Cards” and displays the profitability percentage.

Several data are also available in the end-of-day report, which managers receive.

  • Time spent on each project per employee
  • Details of items used during the day per project and per employee
  • The distributed total costs of completed projects, along with the estimated profit

The result?

Empowered by this information, executives can make informed decisions regarding their company’s project profitability without waiting for quarterly figures, enabling them to act swiftly. They can take actions such as boosting sales of highly profitable products, discontinuing unprofitable services, or enhancing employee training.

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