
Expense management and dispatch of a transport company

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A problem so important and so easy to fix

In transportation, several expenses are required and made by different employees. Expense accounts are sometimes poorly managed, incorrectly allocated, late, without supporting documents or never accounted for, can cause several problems. With our Qano Dispatch Module, we solve 2 problems: Assigning trips and collecting expenses.

The famous “Paper Less”

In some situations, it is impossible to completely eliminate paper, and we understand this very well. But when a customer told us how he collected expense receipts from his drivers, we immediately knew that Qano could solve his problem!

Invoices, put together in an envelope, which was then given to a manager at a meeting point scheduled later. This solution must have seemed good a few years ago, but with several problems: The risk of loss, the time for the administration to know the costs incurred and the time for reimbursement of the driver’s expenses.

Expenses functionality

By adding the expense functionality to the Dispatch module, we ensured that the application is easy to use for drivers. A simple solution was needed with minimal risk of error. At the customer’s request, the driver only sees the planned route. He must enter his expenses gradually in the Qano application by selecting the type of expense, he enters the details of the invoice, adds a photo of the invoice, everything is instantly geolocated and saved in the database . When the trip is completed, the information on expenses is transmitted in a detailed report to the administration with all supporting documents.

In addition, in the case of gasoline, the driver must enter the vehicle’s odometer and the number of liters or gallons. This data is automatically converted to the unit the company uses on the project report.

Limited mistakes

To avoid errors, drivers only see the current trip, when they finish this one, the next trip is then available. They therefore cannot attribute expenses to the wrong trip.

Efficiency and simplicity

By having built an application with limited functionality, the application was completed in less than a month and efficient integration from day one. The expenses are transmitted faster without errors, invoicing as well as disbursement within a very short time. Thanks to the Qano app, drivers get paid faster with almost no risk of error or forgetfulness.

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