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Do you know the concept : Just-in-time?

This concept involves producing as you go. In food, this makes it possible to offer dishes that are always fresh and to reduce losses. But this concept requires impeccable organization that Qano has been able to implement among its clients.

A well managed production

A client offering a food management service to several restaurants was facing food waste and problematic supply. He was looking for a solution to continue offering his service just in time while avoiding losses and lack of ingredients in restaurants. . He managed to do this as best he could with the help of weekly inventory received in various ways depending on the restaurant.

With Qano, we implemented a uniform inventory system fully linked to their kitchen management app made by Qano.

Each restaurant fills out a personalized form at the end of their day. This form, automatically sent to our client, indicates the quantity of ingredients to rebalance the inventory according to expected sales. Our client can approve or adjust the quantities according to their current standard or even the weather forecasts affecting traffic at different restaurants.

All restaurant data is then combined to allow the kitchen to prepare the necessary ingredients and recipes for all restaurants.

Each order is then assembled for each restaurant and put out for delivery every day.

Qano is used for inventory management for all restaurants, for purchasing (PO), kitchen production management, recipe development, costs and shipping.

Saving time and reducing losses

For our client, the use of our Qano apps allowed him to save more than 2 hours of work in the early morning compiling restaurant data and also to reduce losses. thanks to the accuracy of the data obtained and the little magic we were able to provide to automate all the processes.

Tell us about your challenges!

All our processes are entirely tailored to your needs.
We're passionate and creative. Always motivated by new projects.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or to come and meet us at our offices.

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